Wednesday, 1 May 2013

come what may!

our signature KB CACC standees!

it's been slightly over a month since this blog has been launched. while we have not seen much writing on this blog per se, a lot has gone on over in the kaki bukit division for the community arts & culture club. it was definitely a busy month. here is a quick recap of all that has gone on:

1) 'eat your art out!' - passionarts village

enough has been mentioned on this blog about the village and if you want to take a quick stroll down memory lane, do click here! being the forward-looking person that i am, i actually have a concept for next year's village but not giving anything away for now. 

2) singing kakis' night

this is one of the signature roving activities that you will see and hear a lot of within the kaki bukit neighbourhood. since this is the first time i'm talking about it, singing kakis' night is essentially a night of karaoke that occurs every last friday of the month. what is unique about this is that it moves around the entire neighbourhood.

big thanks to the chairperson of green rc, fannie!

so in april, we partnered with one of our residents' committee and went over to green rc. what a night it was! as a part of their singing kakis' night, they had a block party complete with food, dance, games and exhibition booths. so if you've missed april's installation of singing kakis' night, fret not! it's the month of may already.

3) 'shall we dance?' - hotspot programme

another of our monthly features are the hotspot programmes. once again, these are activities that occur on the last weekend of the month. whilst singing kakis' night is on a friday, our hotspot offerings are on either saturdays or sundays. in addition, the programme duration is much shorter so blink and you will probably miss us.

shall we dance @ kaki bukit?

so in april, we decided to invade a rather tranquil area of the neighbourhood. we plonked ourselves right in front of sheng shiong and macdonald's, danced our hearts out for four hours and made a lot of new friends. if you haven't seen us gyrating to the tunes of justin bieber, you need to click here

yes, it was a busy april BUT we are not about to slow down our engines. in the month of may, there are more offerings coming from the kaki bukit community arts & culture team.

other than our regular singing kakis' night (24th may) and our may hotspot programme (26th may - morning), we'll be launching a couple of programmes and partnerships. more updates in my next monthly update. of course, you will be hearing from the kimchi fairy and mr couchsurf critic over the month and in june, we will be adding a third contributing writer to our humble blog. =)

if you want the latest news, just join our facebook page or follow us on instagram (@kakibukitcac).

engage us online! ;-)

catch the hARTbeat @ kaki bukit!

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